Southeast FL Chiropractor May Help TMJ

Southeast FL Chiropractor May Help TMJ

Many individuals are astonished to hear that Southeast FL chiropractors may treat the jaw. While most people identify chiropractic with back and neck problems, TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder sufferers in Southeast FL can also find relief.


TMJ is a collection of disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint in the jaw. This joint links your mouth to your skull, therefore difficulties with the muscles or ligaments that govern its mobility might cause troubles.

The inability to open your mouth wide or having your jaw lock when you are able to open it are some of the symptoms of TMJ. Your upper and lower teeth may no longer fit correctly when you close your mouth. TMD can cause headaches, hearing difficulties, dizziness, and earaches.


When you arrange an appointment with a Southeast FL chiropractor, they will look at the reasons for TMJ. TMJ is known to be caused by severe jaw damage, physical or mental stress, or simply sitting in a dentist's chair with your mouth open for lengthy periods of time. TMJ isn't caused by mental stress, but by clenching your teeth as a result of it. TMJ affects women four times more than males.


If your chiropractor determines that you have TMJ, they will devise a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Carswell Chiropractic & Athletic Performance Center wants to find the root of your issue before creating a comprehensive plan. TMJ therapy usually includes chiropractic adjustments, specific exercises, and maybe heat or ice to relieve discomfort.

If you experience TMJ problems, see a chiropractor right away. In addition, you must heed any advice or recommendations offered at that or subsequent appointments. Every workout and treatment is meant to address the root cause of the issue and restore jaw function.

Our staff at Carswell Chiropractic & Athletic Performance Center is ready to assist you. Please contact us today.

Carswell Chiropractic & Athletic Performance Center

5924 Sheridan St
PMB 3000
Hollywood, FL 33021

(954) 604-4277